Tuesday 30 March 2010

last week before easter monday 22nd

so all weekend since the hand in monday last chance tof the applied fashion module i have been nailing my essay. and i think its going quite weell, i did intend on starting it last week but given the situation i obviously didn't. never mins i am getting it done

so i thought going into college at 10-30 would be plenty early enough to sort through a few sources and changing bits to make the presentation of my essay perfect but 5 hours later i still wasnt finished! ahhh! mind you i handed it in so i dont care anymore! oh and i had my meeting with Gemma about applied fashion, well surprise surprise its not going to be a first which really annoyed me, but i had gone past caring at this point. it doesnt bother me, i had much bigger things on my mind. im just annoyed that people dont get at least one day extensions, especially if you have to take time off for a funeral during term time. i appreciate that i should have been more prepared but grr its just annoying.

wednesday ppd meeting with Gemma, final chance we get to talk to her about it before we have the hand in after easter, so much to do im really annoyed that people dont e-mail back even to say that placement positions have been filled!

friday is the briefing for the new project...... yay......this one is going to be more self administered. so hopefully it will go well as i know i can keep on top of it, but being able to decide what i do means i have to decide, which is going to be the tricky part.

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