Monday 6 October 2008

week 18

first monday of term , my flight was delayed on holiday so i was only back in the country yesterday and to top it off my laptop broke whilst i was away so i could not do the critical studies that i meant to. at least we were not in on monday so i had a day to organise myself. so we have had our tuesday and wednesday session. on tuesday we were handing in our GFW project which i did not find interesting in the slightest, and i thought was a complete waste of time. tuesday we began our container culture, i feel that i did not really do enough work, and i was not ready to do it as i have yet to completly finish the market research. but i have spent the whole of today(wednesday) on photoshop putting 3 of them into the computer and i struggled but i am beginning to egt the hang of it, so far i have completed vivienne westwood, paul smith and top shop, i have zara and l.k.bennet ready to scan in and add the writing. but i am not completly sure if l.k.bennet is a upper middle mass market brand. so i will have to speak to ian tomorrow, and as thursday is only a 9-12 io will be able to spend the rest of the day finishing my essay starting container culture or finishing the market research. and to top ot off i need to complete the trend board things.

week 17


week 16


week 15 christmas week mon 22nd dec-sunday 28th

christmas week

week 14 independent study time

week 14 independent study and i have already gone home! i will be doing work, but as Christmas is i will already have many things to do until that time.

week 13

today Monday the 8Th, i have been to college even though it is not scheduled time because i wanted to finish more of my dress as Friday is a hand in and not a making day! so today i created the waist by gathering the material and i have sewn that to the top pieces, so basically i need to put in the zip and do the facing and then i am done, apart front he little bit of the technical file i need to finish but i have Thursday all day to do that!!! and i need to get a little but more market level research done before tomorrow when we have another tutorial. so tomorrow is the tutorial and making day, Wednesday is a GFW day where we have to do this new river island thing, apparently its meant to be fun. and then Friday is my hand in for the creative design realisation and then home time!!!!!! well tuesday we had that talk i had ian, all went well but i want to go bacj into town and get some more pictures, i quite enjoy the whole looking round shops thing-it suits me! we did some last minute charity shop shopping on tuesday for the wednesday gfw thing, and on wednesday i made my thing. its a fascinator all went well but i need to finish it. on thursday i spent the entire day sorting out my room and finishing bits of work for my friday hand in. and thank god i got it all finished so all i had to do was hand it in on friday so i was pleased with that! and now home yay! this is my dress finished and the waist section...

week 12

2 more weeks including this one and we break up for Christmas!!! Monday was an independent study day so we just went round town and did some work, looking at the new project stuff. Tuesday was design realisation thing, and we had to make mood boards with safari Antarctic stuff which to be honest was pretty rubbish but at least i now have a better understanding of a mood board for the lesson stuff. we also had a tutorial for what we had done on the trends thing so far, i had begun looking at market levels and not trends so i didn't have anything to show really! whoops. Wednesday was a free day where we were meant to go look round the shops for the market levels things which i had already started, but because it was Harry's birthday i went home early!!!! yay! whilst i was at home i did begin to make my sleeves for the friday technical file but i need to ask Angie a few questions so i had to leave a little to finish next week. and today Friday i had creative design realisation again and i began cutting and stuff for the making as i had pinned some of the pieces down, but i did not know about cutting along the the seam edge thing is it was a piece that needed to be 1 instead of two so i will have to re-make a few bits but i brought that home to do, Angie has also given me a list of things i can do at home, so now i just need to finish off my technical file and make my dress for next Fridays hand in at 12!!! ohhh and tutorial on Monday must not forget my file!

week 11 november 24th

Tuesday, today we had our brief creative design practice-which basically will involve me walking around a lot of shops! this i feel will be a good project. i have already tried to sign up to the trend gwsn website to gather information but it will not let me sign up so i have e-mailed. i am not in college tomorrow which is Wednesday as i have a hospital appt, but i know already that we are just walking round gathering information, so i can do that another day i will not miss anything vital Thursday was a free day and Friday was creative design realisation where we were making the dress, which is difficult, and i do need a lot of help but i will get there, i have made my pattern pretty much and i will be cutting out and begin to put together soon! the only problem is i would do some at home, but I'm not sure what to do,and Angie has to check everything twice as I'm pretty useless at it!

week 10, novemebr 17th

oh my lord, hectic weekend, i was shattered form the week anyway as i has quite a hectic social life, and on top all that work. right presentation on Monday went OK, regardless of how much you practise you always manage to balls it up, so never mind. Tuesday was the last day of the college making day before the hand in on Wednesday at 9 and i basically decided that i wasn't going to go home until i had done it all, so i could just leave it at college and have an early night. so with that mission in mind, i was at college for 11 hours and just finished it all off! and today-being Wednesday, i just got it out of my draw and handed it in! we had a really weird mission for this afternoon where we had to go around and find out bits of information, really weird, not quite sure whats that for but we got it all done! and theres apicture of charlotte with someone playing a guitar as that was one of our missions. so tomorrow is a free day and then Friday i have my creative approach to fashion design where ill be making with Angie, Hugo and Andrew! Friday was fun, out of 11 people in our group only seven were there. this was really good for us all as we had more teacher student time, which was completely necessary as i did not understand a thing! luckily Angie was very patient with us. i actually got quite far ahead-i have begun adding the 1cm seam allowance which i was quite impressed by considering some other people i spoke to hadn't even made half of there pattern! one problem apart from my lack of understanding was that the bodice blocks that we made with Hugo earlier on were actually slightly wrong, and many of the measurements were to be out if i followed it. so a new misson of mine and kate Huggards is to make a new one otherwise it will always be wrong. so from now on no lessons until tuesday!

week 9 november 10th

Monday morning message received, Joanna is still ill, we have had our presentations moved to Thursday- which is good as i haven't even been able to talk to her about it, and i i e-mailed but no reply! Tuesday was just another working day with the manipulated garment thing, i actually feel like i got a lot done, i took in my clothes and basically made the garment there and then, well i pinned most of it so i Will have to stitch the rest at home, but its basically all done, i even stayed late with some of the other girls to get more done whilst we were 'in the mood'!! Wednesday was just another drawing session which i really do not enjoy i find them really rubbish, but i have to go as part of the attendance, at least some of them count towards our 30 illustrations. critical studies on Thursday helped me, i was able to see Joanna and it allowed me to have a look at other people to make sure mine was similar, i still did not understand the text but never mind, Joanna said we would understand it more next year. nothing on Friday this week as i have creative design realisation in 2 weeks! so basically this weekend i have to finnish making my dress, and begin sorting for the hand in whilst finishing my presentation.

week 8 , november 3rd

critical studies, Monday Joanna ill-so i wasn't there. Tuesday we did a mini talk between ourselves as a work review so we could see what other people have done, i still don't think i have done enough research so I'm going to have to do more. and then its just the making process, it will just be manipulating the garments we bought so it shouldn't take too long, one girl has already done it! i did feel like i got alot done on Tuesday during the lesson, even thought i normally hate Tuesdays. then today Wednesday i had my drawing group which was not really anything special as i have done most of it before in fact there was nothing today i hadn't already done, but i suppose some people hadn't done a foundation so its like a Little catch up. so now i don't have any lessons until Monday when hopefully Joanna is better again so i can see her about my essay presentation.

week 7, reading week, 27th october

right reading week- need to re-do most of my work. ill be taking my critical studies on holiday as i can do that on my laptop. i can also hope to get some work done at home as there will be fewer distractions.well i alot of my critical studies on holiday but i didn't understand it all so i had to send it off to my tutor, who is ill and hasn't got back to me yet-its only been a week but it is due in on Monday so I'm a little worried if ill just have to continue otherwise.

week 6, 20th october

Monday just remembered we have the review tomorrow, and to be honest i have been slack, i know i have. this is not going to go well. at least i know i can be good at research when i want to be. critical studies went quite well actually, i feel like i understood something, not quite sure what but but it was better than nothing.
Tuesday had finally finished-had my review all went reasonable, didn't really feel like it was very constructive, as i already knew i had loads of stuff to re-do. so basically I'm starting yet again, i am doing the summer project again anyway. i have to re-d what we have been doing on the Tuesday's and do it on separate paper as my folder is not going very well. Angie also commented on how artist research was not about writing it was more about doing and understanding to basically they don't want lots of writing. never mind. other than the review it was a good day i got quite alot done and i was happy for the first time on a Tuesday! and that's it no lesson tomorrow-only private study and no lesson on Friday so I'm going home on Wednesday!

week 5 13th october

the critical studies lesson, was once again complicated and i am really going to have to get a book out to understand what on earth Joanna is on about. i also spoke to her at the end of the lesson as a will need a little help understanding what were doing. also I'm useless at writing essays so ill be sending some rough drafts to her. Tuesday 9-4 all day, long tedious and i just am not enjoying this at all at the moment. i used to love this sort of creative design ideas, but right now i just love making. i think I'm bored of it as i have done it for the last year on foundation. in fact i think it might be beneficial if i were to re-do the Tuesday work and get into it properly, make more of an effort. today is Wednesday and i have done the first 2 Wednesday's works, and i am about to go and harass my flat mate and get images of her face for the David Hockney piece-could be funny! i am really struggling with my summer work, i did a little at the time and well now i have changed words as i didn't like it, and oh its just rubbish, i need some inspiration! Fridays lesson was fun, we had Andrew for the first time, we were doing some sort of pattern cutting at least i think we were. understanding the measurements at time from the book were a Little confusing, but i enjoyed it. Friday is defiantly my favourite day so far, to the left is a picture of me drawing the lines for the block pattern thing. at times Kate and i struggled but we managed to work most of it out. using the wrong kind of pencil also makes a massive difference to the lines, and how your measurements are so ill have to get a h pencil. apart from that it was a successful lesson

week 4, mon 6th oct-fri 10th

Monday, my first essay is due in today, handed in no problem. Tuesday was a different issue, we had a brief, and it made no sense we were asked to bring in a picture to work from. that was fine. everyone did that. but then they asked us to make designs out of the image, we all thought we were doing it right but oh no. so it was a completely unsuccessful day. it really made me question if i was doing the right course. but i know how much i love hugo's sessions so it'll be fine! Wednesday was spent doing the illustrative drawing made out of words, i should have read the information two of three times as i would have found objects easier than doing jumpers and trousers, but it looked quite good anyway. i may produce another one if i have time. Friday creative design realisation- Angie. i had never ever done anything like this before, darts are very interesting i knew about them i knew what they did but i did not know how to make them and change them. i found this really interesting but also completely baffling at times. i know i will enjoy this sort of work as its why i joined the course. i do enjoy designing but the making process is far more interesting. i spent a couple of hours on Saturday at home organising through what i have done with Angie for my technical file, i knew if i didn't i would not be able to understand what i had done later.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

week-3 sept 29th

Monday was our first critical studies lecture, so i left home mid morning to arrive on time. which was pretty pointless as we did not start until four anyway. it was slightly confusing at first i did not quite understand the point of the lecture, but as the hours went on, it was alot less complicated. we were given a image analysis exercise to complete, which needs to be in for next Monday. i will try and complete this by Thur, or at least the draft so i do not rush it. We were in from nine on Tuesday and we found out why we had to do the summer research. mine was pitifull. after looking at everyone else i began thinking that i probably should have put some more effort in whilst we had the summer, but i was not in the frame of mind during the summer, so the work i completed wouldn't have been interesting anyway. after seeing an example of what style of work we were to complete i knew what the standards were. my mission is to make make interesting work for this based on the skills i learnt during my year in foundation-otherwise it would have been a wasted year. on the Tuesday we were also given the creative approach to fashion briefing book, on this book was the work that we would be doing for module. and on Wednesday i was expected to create an A2 illustration. this has not happened yet. so i will be doing this and the other private study during week 4. I'm actually quite surprised at how much work we have been given already as all anyone ever says it that uni is easy. Thursday was an independent study day, so i could have caught up on some reading but i thought it essential to take a walk around the city on my own to get used to it. I'm still struggling to find my way round from time to time, so i felt this was not a waste of time. it also allowed me time to prepare for Charlotte's birthday night out. Friday, got in at half three in the morning but still prepared for my creative design realisation class, which would last all day. with Hugo and Lynn we practised using the sewing machines and began learning how to create seams.I had not used a sewing machine properly since i was about 15, but the handbook was very useful and most of the information we needed was in it and was very straight forward. (thats me on the machines) after the lesson was over i prepared my self for going home a.s.a.p so i did not miss my train home. whilst travelling back i made a list of things i would need to complete over the next few weeks so i could be slightly organised.