Tuesday 30 March 2010

easter holiday

so i have quite alot to do, just ppd, enterprise and generally things oh and the new project of course. well week one off...... done. i have earned some money...... got my blog up to date

and i have started printing off all of the job applications which has taken forever, i don't mind so much that none wants me but i am annoyed that i twisted and changed most of the covering letter to suit the applications.

on the plus side i am going to London this week to see chikky, and to buy some fabrics, i need to make a dress and a few tops...well i don't need to make them i want to make them!
i think going to London to do fabric sourcing will be brilliant as when i start back in September i am going to need to have an idea about what i can get!

last week before easter monday 22nd

so all weekend since the hand in monday last chance tof the applied fashion module i have been nailing my essay. and i think its going quite weell, i did intend on starting it last week but given the situation i obviously didn't. never mins i am getting it done

so i thought going into college at 10-30 would be plenty early enough to sort through a few sources and changing bits to make the presentation of my essay perfect but 5 hours later i still wasnt finished! ahhh! mind you i handed it in so i dont care anymore! oh and i had my meeting with Gemma about applied fashion, well surprise surprise its not going to be a first which really annoyed me, but i had gone past caring at this point. it doesnt bother me, i had much bigger things on my mind. im just annoyed that people dont get at least one day extensions, especially if you have to take time off for a funeral during term time. i appreciate that i should have been more prepared but grr its just annoying.

wednesday ppd meeting with Gemma, final chance we get to talk to her about it before we have the hand in after easter, so much to do im really annoyed that people dont e-mail back even to say that placement positions have been filled!

friday is the briefing for the new project...... yay......this one is going to be more self administered. so hopefully it will go well as i know i can keep on top of it, but being able to decide what i do means i have to decide, which is going to be the tricky part.

15th march

this week will be hectic, i have so much work to do, taking a few days off for the funeral was the right thing to do, and i don't want an extension as ill just have to get an extension for the essay i was supposed to start this week! hand in is on Wednesday.... so i still have time to make things better and finish bits and pieces. i just feel like giving up.

this is my final line up....... i know its not the best the but i did it the day before, and i had some serious issues with the illustrations.

so i handed it in today, and did the presentation, it went ok, but as usual, i screwed up with the presentation. i really need to get out of relying on a script to read. i know i should have put more effort into the project...and well the entire thing really but its too late now.

i was reasonably happy with my trend book, but i wish i had thought about it more, it could have been so much better. and my initial research really let me down! never mind, these are thing i will have to work on for my next project.

monday 8th march

my group SWAPSIE DAISY had a meeting with Angie, and it went really, really well, she basically told us that for our final presentations with Bridget we would just need to check everything, find evidence and then do the presentation! yay! i think as a group we just need to fine tune a few things.

Tuesday tom dealing with queries..... one week before our hand-ins and we do not have enough time to be fannying about with doing an essay that we have been told we have a week off (5 days) to do. so in a bid to get things done that need to be done before i am going to concentrate on my project (finally).
right i need to make my trend book finished i have most of the stuff but because of the fabrics i have used in my book, it is going to be quite difficult to bind, i know this project is not going to be my best project at all. but as long as i pass with a reasonably high mark, I'm not particularly bothered.

Thursday was just finishing off little bits. seeing as the presentation is quite alot of marks is ts supposed to be something we spend alot of time on. i know i could make it really good adding videos and music as we did with the initial miu miu presentation but i don't know how to and i don't have the time. i refuse to spend all night getting things done a couple of days before. its just not worth the worry lines.
Friday at college is supposed to be about presentation planning, and the presentation is the last thing on my mind- funeral.

monday 1st march

still doing applied fashion- its official i hate applied fashion right now. it just not going the way i want it too, everything seems to be going wrong. i need to do some initial design work for my 10 trend shapes thingy. these are some of my design ideas-main shapes.

Tue critical essay proposal form due in (then changed) so we don't have to hand it in on time.
Wednesday was the development of the trend book, I'm starting to worry about this project. i know its not going to go very well and personal stuff is not helping.

so personal stuff took over and i needed a few days off school. and guess what you can take a day off for a funeral, but you don't automatically get a one day extension. i need to do trend stuff and have all my trend book done soon, I'm going to make them up on photo-shop.

im goign to have to do some work over the weekend. i have 2 weeks until hand in and i have not done anything that i like.

monday 22nd february

9-10-30 enterprise.

3.15 crit ahhhhh one month until essay hand in. i have almost picked my title.

Wednesday- an applied fashion meeting with gemma in groups, i still haven't really done much so there is not much to say. i have not been in the mood at all the only part of the project i don't mind doing is the shop report. i just think that we are cutting and sticking all the time, and its boring, i didn't want a degree in cutting and sticking.

Friday trend visual development silhouette direction flats. By now i am supposed to have done my research and began making my inspirational flats '10' with front and back but i am only just starting the research to get round cutting and sticking i am doing pretty much everything in photo-shop. that way i can pick twist and move stuff which will make it easier and quicker to put together hopefully.