Friday 19 February 2010

reading week--- monday 15th

so much for a reading week
so far during my 'week off' i have sent out so many e-mails and covering letters its ridiculous!
i was supposed to have a meeting with Steve smith and nyah to talk about the fashion show on the Monday but unfortunately he had to cancel (he cancelled after i had set off once i was almost back in Leeds-yes i drove all the way back just for the meeting) so instead of seeing him i cleaned my house kitchen....with desperately needed doing! it was gross!

Tuesday...... send of more cv's joy of joys.....

Wednesday was the next meeting nyah had organised with him, but i couldn't drive up again. so i missed the meeting and by the looks of things i would have found it really interesting. we set up a meeting for everyone to find out and talk about the fashion show and now it seems that myself and Jeni have told a few things wrong and got things a bit muddled. so to solve this problem sue is going to have a meeting with everyone thank god! I'm really glad about this because it turns out we didn't need to set up the bank account, so jenny and i didn't need to bother with that! gr! i don't understand why they didn't just do this in the first place!

never mind. I ordered a new camera this week so i can finally do my reiss shop report properly.....i ordered new inks for my printer and they have got lost in the post, so even though i want to work I'm a little stuck. i can only do my computer based work, and guess what. my laptop broke on Wednesday so now I'm dads (whilst hes out) I'm glad I'm such a super geek and that i saved everything o a portable hard drive otherwise id be screwed. and i hate falling behind with work, i know it ll just pile up....... and i cant handle that.

cooked dinner for Harry's rents as they came back from there 6 weeks away yesterday and now Harry's going away...sad times. but at least i don't have to worry about him wanting to come see me. i'm going back up to Leeds on Saturday as stew is coming to fix my laptop tonight! good times. i don't know what I'm going to do without it if he cant fix it. sad times!

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